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Compare by Similarity

The similarity calculation is customizable; visit the metrics section for more information.


print_similar_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, threshold: float, same_parent_only: bool = False, comparer: Similarity = CompressionSimilarity('lzma2'), mode: int = ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS) -> None

Prints the similar files between two folders based on a similarity threshold.


Name Type Description Default
folder1 Folder

The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

folder2 Folder

The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

threshold float

The similarity threshold. Only files with a similarity score above this threshold will be considered similar.

same_parent_only bool

If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.

comparer Similarity

The similarity comparer to use. Defaults to CompressionSimilarity("lzma2").

mode int

The mode to use for comparison. Defaults to ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS.

Source code in JCompare/
def print_similar_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, threshold: float, same_parent_only: bool = False, comparer: Similarity = CompressionSimilarity("lzma2"), mode: int = ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS) -> None:
    Prints the similar files between two folders based on a similarity threshold.

        folder1 (Folder): The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        folder2 (Folder): The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        threshold (float): The similarity threshold. Only files with a similarity score above this threshold will be considered similar.
        same_parent_only (bool, optional): If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.
        comparer (Similarity, optional): The similarity comparer to use. Defaults to CompressionSimilarity("lzma2").
        mode (int, optional): The mode to use for comparison. Defaults to ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS.

    result = find_similar_files_pairwise(
        folder1, folder2, threshold, same_parent_only, comparer, mode)

    for key, value in result.items():
        print(f"+ {key}")
        for i in value:
            print(f"  - {i[0]} {i[1]*100:.2f}%")


print_dissimilar_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, threshold: float, same_parent_only: bool = False, comparer: Similarity = CompressionSimilarity('lzma2'), mode: int = ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS) -> None

Prints the dissimilar files between two folders based on a similarity threshold.


Name Type Description Default
folder1 Folder

The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

folder2 Folder

The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

threshold float

The similarity threshold. Only files with a similarity score below this threshold will be considered dissimilar.

same_parent_only bool

If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.

comparer Similarity

The similarity comparer to use. Defaults to CompressionSimilarity("lzma2").

mode int

The mode to use for comparison. Defaults to ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS.

Source code in JCompare/
def print_dissimilar_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, threshold: float, same_parent_only: bool = False, comparer: Similarity = CompressionSimilarity("lzma2"), mode: int = ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS) -> None:
    Prints the dissimilar files between two folders based on a similarity threshold.

        folder1 (Folder): The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        folder2 (Folder): The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        threshold (float): The similarity threshold. Only files with a similarity score below this threshold will be considered dissimilar.
        same_parent_only (bool, optional): If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.
        comparer (Similarity, optional): The similarity comparer to use. Defaults to CompressionSimilarity("lzma2").
        mode (int, optional): The mode to use for comparison. Defaults to ASYNC_AND_MULTIPROCESS.

    result = find_dissimilar_files_pairwise(
        folder1, folder2, threshold, same_parent_only, comparer, mode)

    if result["is_similar"]:
        print("The folders are similar.")
        print("Dissimilar files found:")
        if result["folder1"]:
            print(f"Only in folder1:")
            for i in result['folder1']:
                print(f"+ {i}")
        if result["folder2"]:
            print(f"Only in folder2:")
            for i in result['folder2']:
                print(f"+ {i}")

Compare by Hash


print_identical_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, same_parent_only: bool = False, hash_algorithm: tuple[str] = ('sha256')) -> None

Prints the identical files between two folders based on their hash values.


Name Type Description Default
folder1 Folder

The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

folder2 Folder

The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

same_parent_only bool

If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.

hash_algorithm tuple[str]

A tuple of strings specifying the names of the hash algorithms to use. Defaults to ("sha256",).

Source code in JCompare/
def print_identical_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, same_parent_only: bool = False, hash_algorithm: tuple[str] = ("sha256",)) -> None:
    Prints the identical files between two folders based on their hash values.

        folder1 (Folder): The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        folder2 (Folder): The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        same_parent_only (bool, optional): If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.
        hash_algorithm (tuple[str], optional): A tuple of strings specifying the names of the hash algorithms to use. Defaults to ("sha256",).

    result = find_identical_files(
        folder1, folder2, same_parent_only, hash_algorithm)

    for key, value in result.items():
        print(f"+ {key}")
        for i in value:
            print(f"  - {i}")


print_different_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, same_parent_only: bool = False, hash_algorithm: tuple[str] = ('sha256')) -> None

Prints the different files between two folders based on their hash values.


Name Type Description Default
folder1 Folder

The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

folder2 Folder

The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

same_parent_only bool

If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.

hash_algorithm tuple[str]

A tuple of strings specifying the names of the hash algorithms to use. Defaults to ("sha256",).

Source code in JCompare/
def print_different_files(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, same_parent_only: bool = False, hash_algorithm: tuple[str] = ("sha256",)) -> None:
    Prints the different files between two folders based on their hash values.

        folder1 (Folder): The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        folder2 (Folder): The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        same_parent_only (bool, optional): If set to True, only files with the same parent folder will be compared. Defaults to False.
        hash_algorithm (tuple[str], optional): A tuple of strings specifying the names of the hash algorithms to use. Defaults to ("sha256",).

    result = find_different_files(
        folder1, folder2, same_parent_only, hash_algorithm)

    if result["is_identical"]:
        print("The folders are identical.")
        print("Different files found:")
        if result['folder1']:
            print(f"Only in folder1:")
            for i in result['folder1']:
                print(f"+ {i}")
        if result['folder2']:
            print(f"Only in folder2:")
            for i in result['folder2']:
                print(f"+ {i}")

Compare by Directory Structure


print_identical_files_by_mcs(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, ignore_directory_names: bool = False, path: None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]] = None) -> None

Prints the identical files between two folders based on the maximum common subtree (MCS).


Name Type Description Default
folder1 Folder

The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

folder2 Folder

The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

ignore_directory_names bool

If set to True, directory names will be ignored when comparing the folder structures. Defaults to False.

path None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]]

A tuple of two tuples, each containing the path to a subtree in the corresponding folder. If provided, only the specified subtrees will be compared. Defaults to None.

Source code in JCompare/
def print_identical_files_by_mcs(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, ignore_directory_names: bool = False, path: None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]] = None) -> None:
    Prints the identical files between two folders based on the maximum common subtree (MCS).

        folder1 (Folder): The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        folder2 (Folder): The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        ignore_directory_names (bool, optional): If set to True, directory names will be ignored when comparing the folder structures. Defaults to False.
        path (None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]], optional): A tuple of two tuples, each containing the path to a subtree in the corresponding folder. If provided, only the specified subtrees will be compared. Defaults to None.

    results = find_identical_files_by_mcs(
        folder1, folder2, ignore_directory_names, path)

    for result in results:
        for key, value in result.items():
            print(f"+ {key}")
            for i in value:
                print(f"  - {i}")


print_different_files_by_mcs(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, ignore_directory_names: bool = False, path: None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]] = None) -> None

Prints the different files between two folders based on the maximum common subtree (MCS).


Name Type Description Default
folder1 Folder

The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

folder2 Folder

The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.

ignore_directory_names bool

If set to True, directory names will be ignored when comparing the folder structures. Defaults to False.

path None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]]

A tuple of two tuples, each containing the path to a subtree in the corresponding folder. If provided, only the specified subtrees will be compared. Defaults to None.

Source code in JCompare/
def print_different_files_by_mcs(folder1: Folder, folder2: Folder, ignore_directory_names: bool = False, path: None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]] = None) -> None:
    Prints the different files between two folders based on the maximum common subtree (MCS).

        folder1 (Folder): The first folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        folder2 (Folder): The second folder object, which contains the files to be compared.
        ignore_directory_names (bool, optional): If set to True, directory names will be ignored when comparing the folder structures. Defaults to False.
        path (None | tuple[tuple[str], tuple[str]], optional): A tuple of two tuples, each containing the path to a subtree in the corresponding folder. If provided, only the specified subtrees will be compared. Defaults to None.

    results = find_different_files_by_mcs(
        folder1, folder2, ignore_directory_names, path)

    for result in results:
        if result["is_identical"]:
            print("The folders are identical.")
            print("Different files found:")
            if result['folder1']:
                print(f"Only in folder1:")
                for i in result['folder1']:
                    print(f"+ {i}")
            if result['folder2']:
                print(f"Only in folder2:")
                for i in result['folder2']:
                    print(f"+ {i}")