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To customize similarity calculation, implement your desired way by inheriting the Similarity class. The comparer calculates the similarity between two files by calling the cmp member function.


Base class for implementing similarity metrics.

This class provides a structure for implementing different similarity metrics. Subclasses should override the cmp method to provide their own similarity calculation logic.

Source code in JCompare/
class Similarity:
    Base class for implementing similarity metrics.

    This class provides a structure for implementing different similarity metrics. 
    Subclasses should override the `cmp` method to provide their own similarity calculation logic.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        Initializes a new instance of the Similarity class.


    def cmp(self, file1: tuple[str, str], file2: tuple[str, str]) -> float:
        Compares two files for similarity.

            file1 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the first file.
            file2 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the second file.

            NotImplementedError: This method must be implemented in a subclass.

            float: The similarity score between the two files. The score is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely dissimilar and 1 means identical.

        fullpath1, relpath1 = file1
        fullpath2, relpath2 = file2

        raise NotImplementedError(
            "This method must be implemented in a subclass")


__init__() -> None

Initializes a new instance of the Similarity class.

Source code in JCompare/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    Initializes a new instance of the Similarity class.



cmp(file1: tuple[str, str], file2: tuple[str, str]) -> float

Compares two files for similarity.


Name Type Description Default
file1 tuple[str, str]

A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the first file.

file2 tuple[str, str]

A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the second file.



Type Description

This method must be implemented in a subclass.


Name Type Description
float float

The similarity score between the two files. The score is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely dissimilar and 1 means identical.

Source code in JCompare/
def cmp(self, file1: tuple[str, str], file2: tuple[str, str]) -> float:
    Compares two files for similarity.

        file1 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the first file.
        file2 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the second file.

        NotImplementedError: This method must be implemented in a subclass.

        float: The similarity score between the two files. The score is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely dissimilar and 1 means identical.

    fullpath1, relpath1 = file1
    fullpath2, relpath2 = file2

    raise NotImplementedError(
        "This method must be implemented in a subclass")


Bases: Similarity

A class used to compare the similarity between two files based on their compression ratio.

This class inherits from the Similarity base class and overrides the cmp method to provide a similarity metric based on the compression ratio of the files. The compression ratio is calculated using a specified compression algorithm.

Source code in JCompare/
class CompressionSimilarity(Similarity):
    A class used to compare the similarity between two files based on their compression ratio.

    This class inherits from the `Similarity` base class and overrides the `cmp` method to provide a similarity metric based on the compression ratio of the files. The compression ratio is calculated using a specified compression algorithm.

    def __init__(self, algorithm: str, level: None | int = None, chuck_size: int = 64 * 1024) -> None:
        Initializes a new instance of the CompressionSimilarity class.

            algorithm (str): The compression algorithm to use. Supported algorithms are 'lzma', 'lzma2', 'zstd', and 'brotli'.
            level (int, optional): The compression level. If not provided, a default level will be used based on the algorithm.
            chunk_size (int, optional): The size of the chunks to read from the files. Defaults to 64 kilobytes.

            ValueError: If an unsupported algorithm is given.

        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.chunk_size = chuck_size
        if level is None:
            if algorithm == 'lzma':
                self.level = 6
            elif algorithm == 'lzma2':
                self.level = 6
            elif algorithm == 'zstd':
                self.level = 13
            elif algorithm == 'brotli':
                self.level = 8
                raise ValueError("Unsupported Algorithm")
            self.level = level

    def cmp(self, file1: tuple[str, str], file2: tuple[str, str]) -> float:
        Compares two files for similarity based on the compression ratio.

            file1 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the first file.
            file2 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the second file.

            ValueError: If an unsupported algorithm is given.

            float: The similarity score between the two files. The score is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely dissimilar and 1 means identical.

        fullpath1, relpath1 = file1
        fullpath2, relpath2 = file2

        def compress_files(filepaths, algorithm):
            compressor = None
            compressed_length = 0

            if algorithm == 'lzma':
                compressor = lzma.LZMACompressor(format=lzma.FORMAT_ALONE, filters=[
                                                 {"id": lzma.FILTER_LZMA1, "preset": self.level}])
            elif algorithm == 'lzma2':
                compressor = lzma.LZMACompressor(format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ, filters=[
                                                 {"id": lzma.FILTER_LZMA2, "preset": self.level}])
            elif algorithm == 'zstd':
                compressor = zstandard.ZstdCompressor(

            elif algorithm == 'brotli':
                compressor = brotli.Compressor(quality=self.level)
                for filepath in filepaths:
                    with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
                            compressed_chunk = compressor.process(chunk)
                            compressed_length += len(compressed_chunk)
                compressed_length += len(compressor.finish())

                return compressed_length

                raise ValueError("Unsupported Algorithm")

            for filepath in filepaths:
                with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                    for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
                        compressed_chunk = compressor.compress(chunk)
                        compressed_length += len(compressed_chunk)
            compressed_length += len(compressor.flush())

            return compressed_length

        c1_len = compress_files([fullpath1], self.algorithm)
        c2_len = compress_files([fullpath2], self.algorithm)
        cc_len = compress_files([fullpath1, fullpath2], self.algorithm)

        similarity = min(
            max(1 - (cc_len - min(c1_len, c2_len)) / (max(c1_len, c2_len)), 0), 1)
        return similarity


__init__(algorithm: str, level: None | int = None, chuck_size: int = 64 * 1024) -> None

Initializes a new instance of the CompressionSimilarity class.


Name Type Description Default
algorithm str

The compression algorithm to use. Supported algorithms are 'lzma', 'lzma2', 'zstd', and 'brotli'.

level int

The compression level. If not provided, a default level will be used based on the algorithm.

chunk_size int

The size of the chunks to read from the files. Defaults to 64 kilobytes.



Type Description

If an unsupported algorithm is given.

Source code in JCompare/
def __init__(self, algorithm: str, level: None | int = None, chuck_size: int = 64 * 1024) -> None:
    Initializes a new instance of the CompressionSimilarity class.

        algorithm (str): The compression algorithm to use. Supported algorithms are 'lzma', 'lzma2', 'zstd', and 'brotli'.
        level (int, optional): The compression level. If not provided, a default level will be used based on the algorithm.
        chunk_size (int, optional): The size of the chunks to read from the files. Defaults to 64 kilobytes.

        ValueError: If an unsupported algorithm is given.

    self.algorithm = algorithm
    self.chunk_size = chuck_size
    if level is None:
        if algorithm == 'lzma':
            self.level = 6
        elif algorithm == 'lzma2':
            self.level = 6
        elif algorithm == 'zstd':
            self.level = 13
        elif algorithm == 'brotli':
            self.level = 8
            raise ValueError("Unsupported Algorithm")
        self.level = level


cmp(file1: tuple[str, str], file2: tuple[str, str]) -> float

Compares two files for similarity based on the compression ratio.


Name Type Description Default
file1 tuple[str, str]

A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the first file.

file2 tuple[str, str]

A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the second file.



Type Description

If an unsupported algorithm is given.


Name Type Description
float float

The similarity score between the two files. The score is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely dissimilar and 1 means identical.

Source code in JCompare/
def cmp(self, file1: tuple[str, str], file2: tuple[str, str]) -> float:
    Compares two files for similarity based on the compression ratio.

        file1 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the first file.
        file2 (tuple[str, str]): A tuple containing the full path and the relative path of the second file.

        ValueError: If an unsupported algorithm is given.

        float: The similarity score between the two files. The score is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely dissimilar and 1 means identical.

    fullpath1, relpath1 = file1
    fullpath2, relpath2 = file2

    def compress_files(filepaths, algorithm):
        compressor = None
        compressed_length = 0

        if algorithm == 'lzma':
            compressor = lzma.LZMACompressor(format=lzma.FORMAT_ALONE, filters=[
                                             {"id": lzma.FILTER_LZMA1, "preset": self.level}])
        elif algorithm == 'lzma2':
            compressor = lzma.LZMACompressor(format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ, filters=[
                                             {"id": lzma.FILTER_LZMA2, "preset": self.level}])
        elif algorithm == 'zstd':
            compressor = zstandard.ZstdCompressor(

        elif algorithm == 'brotli':
            compressor = brotli.Compressor(quality=self.level)
            for filepath in filepaths:
                with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                    for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
                        compressed_chunk = compressor.process(chunk)
                        compressed_length += len(compressed_chunk)
            compressed_length += len(compressor.finish())

            return compressed_length

            raise ValueError("Unsupported Algorithm")

        for filepath in filepaths:
            with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
                for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
                    compressed_chunk = compressor.compress(chunk)
                    compressed_length += len(compressed_chunk)
        compressed_length += len(compressor.flush())

        return compressed_length

    c1_len = compress_files([fullpath1], self.algorithm)
    c2_len = compress_files([fullpath2], self.algorithm)
    cc_len = compress_files([fullpath1, fullpath2], self.algorithm)

    similarity = min(
        max(1 - (cc_len - min(c1_len, c2_len)) / (max(c1_len, c2_len)), 0), 1)
    return similarity